November 22, 2011

Critical update of Bopup Communication Server software

We need to inform our customers that new version of Bopup Communication Server is available for download. Version 4.0.2 fixes a critical bug with delivering offline messages to Bopup Observer messenger client. But at the same time sending offline messages to Bopup Messenger client works without any issues.

It is strongly recommended to update the IM server software if you have Bopup Observer clients on your network environment. Otherwise you can ignore this important update.

Download Bopup Communication Server version 4.0.2

November 13, 2011

Minor updates of the instant messenger software are available

New versions of Bopup Messenger and Bopup Observer IM clients have been released which fix small issues with Message History interface. These updates resolve errors with saving text messages into local history db containg a single quote (') sign. Now all messages can be properly saved into the Message History and displayed from it with no issues.

Download Bopup Messenger version 6.0.1 and Bopup Observer version 5.0.1

November 9, 2011

Minor update of Bopup Communication Server. It's version 4.0.1 released.

A new small update of Bopup IM Server software is available for download.

New version 4.0.1 fixes issues that are affected to new users of the . Thus some bugs were resolved in the Setup Wizard of the communication server which does not open a link to our Guide on installing MS SQL Server 2005/2008 Express Edition instead of built-in MSDE 2000 software. Another important error in the installation was incorrect name of the SQL database written into system registry. If the setup package without MSDE 2000 software was used (bcserver.msi setup file) then that problem affects to all users that tried to set up the communication server version 4.0.0 using an existing SQL server.

Download Bopup Communication Server version 4.0.1

November 8, 2011

Meet all-new BOPUP.COM website

This post is not related to our instant messaging software but refers to a new design of our website at It is fully re-designed and made easy, modern and nice looking. We sure that the new design is a next level in our roadmap on development and growth of Bopup IM software. Thanks for staying with us.