August 31, 2021

Bopup Communication Server version 5.9.2 adds minor improvements

 We release new version 5.9.2 of the communication server. It is a minor release of the software products that contains few important changes.

Charts in Management Console display data for the last 7 days only

Due to slow operation of the server console on showing charts we decided to decrease the period for which to show the data for. The new version of the IM server now shows charts for the last 7 days instead of 15-day period. This brings an affect on large databases with great number of users and exchanged data. Anyway the charts can be displayed optionally and this feature can be turned off in the server options

New version of IM Client Configuration Tool 

The setup package of the communication server comes with a new release of the IM Client Configuration Tool that lets configure and manage messenger settings from the server console. The recent version of the tool contains minor fixes and important confirmation box when a server name/address is changed. 

Download Bopup Communication Server version 5.9.2 — High-level IM solution for real-time communications

August 11, 2021

Patch is available to fix SQL errors after IM server upgrade to version 5.9

We stucked with many reports from our customers that started to experince issues with the communication server after applying recent version 5.9 The latest release of Bopup Communication Server comes with great and major changes in SQL database such as new tables, fields, indexes and etc. and all of these additions are added to existing database on version upgrade. Due to unknown reason sometimes most of the changes are not applied that causes the issues in IM service and errors in Management Console.

In order to fix possible upgrade problem and avoid interruption of the IM service after version upgrade we built and released a patch file that fix the database structure. Download the patch using the following link and run it on the computer with installed Bopup Communication Server.