November 26, 2013

Tips & Tricks: How to override current user account to use it in the messenger

We already described in the past a similar situation and advised to use Private login and password as a personal  authentication for a user if he needs to do not use his current logon name in Windows. Read that article at Tips & Tricks: How to get users connected under different IM accounts if they have the same Windows logon name

That solution works fine but sometimes it is required to keep existing authentication and just override user account name. For example, a user can be renamed in Windows but the system is continued using his old logon name everywhere except Welcome screen. And there is no bug because user account must be migrated but not renamed if we want to use a new logon name in Windows and installed applications. There are also many useful and helpful articles on the net that explain that Existing user account names: Don't rename them, migrate them. But anyway, if we only renamed the user how to force the messenger to use his new logon name? That's possible!

Starting from earlier versions both Bopup Messenger and Bopup Observer support a hidden option in system registry that allows to overwrite current user account that would be used by the IM client. The setting named "OverwrittenAccount" and must be created in application's root under HKCU key:

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\B Labs\Bopup Messenger]

where "desired-im-account" is the new user name that would override his current name in Windows. This solution works perfectly if Simple authentication is enabled on the communication server and using it a user will be able to continue connect to the IM server smoothly and fast like he logged prior renaming the account.

You can also download the registry file from our website, modify and apply it on users' computers

November 22, 2013

Prevent removing the messenger by users by using new versions of the IM clients

In addition to the IM server both Bopup Messenger and Bopup Observer have been updated too and versions 6.3.3 and 5.3.3 have been released accordingly. Most important newly added function is a hidden "DisableUninstall" option that was added to [INSTALL] section of the client configuration file. That setting can be controlled via initial setup/version update of the messenger by using Setup.ini file placed near it's MSI package file or can be managed via Setup.ini Configuration Tool from the communication server on distribution client settings.

This option removes Remove button for the messenger application in "Programs and Features" panel ("Add/Remove Programs" in earlier versions of Windows) and blocks it's uninstallation by end-users. That's important if administrator wants to be sure that nothing can do troubles in a proper starting up the instant messaging clients on users' computers.

New version 6.3.3 of Bopup Messenger also fixed the "Use idle away as automated response to incoming personal messages" if this setting is specified in configuration file downloaded from Bopup Communication Server.

The messaging clients also fixed issues with program "hotkey" to call a main window from System Tray or Task Bar areas. Previously it could operate with only Ctrl+Alt keys and without any letter symbol specified in the options.

Download Bopup Messenger version 6.3.3 and Bopup Observer version 5.3.3

November 21, 2013

New version of the IM server added control to disregard messenger configuration for specific user accounts

We released new versions of our instant messaging software a couple days ago. New updates, as always, added useful options and features because we work hard on the software applications and try to hear customers' suggestions and requirements. In this view latest version 4.2.2 of Bopup Communication Server added very useful and important function that allows to do not deliver and not apply IM client configuration file (setup.ini) for a user account if his roles require that.

Yeah, distribution of the client option is a great feature. But sometimes this function interferes in user's permissions and rights if he or she requires to get a full control over messenger options. That was unsupported because options distributed to all users in the IM system. Another problem if the instant messaging system has few users or user groups that connect from different locations. That means that they use different server name or it's address and a single settings file will not work. And that causes problems.

We met suggestions and reports of our customers so now Management Console of Bopup Communication Server includes new option on a user's profile window. It is called "Disregard settings file".

Checking this option disregards delivery of currently uploaded settings file for Bopup Messenger or Bopup Observer clients.

Version 4.2.2 of the communication server also comes with updated Setup.ini Configuration Tool which added option to prevent uninstallation of messenger clients from Programs and Features panel (Add/Remove Programs in older systems).

Download Bopup Communication Server version 4.2.2

November 15, 2013

Bopup IM Client SDK now supports Microsoft Office applications

We are proud to announce and inform stand-alone programmers and software development companies that new released of Bopup IM Client SDK is now available. Version 1.0.3 added a new interface called IServerClientVBA that fully supports Visual Basic for Application (VBA) environment. VBA is a built-in development platform that comes with Microsoft Office suite. Thus it is possible to create macros, custom form in Excel, Word, Outlook, Access, PowerPoint and other office applications to instantly communicate with other users through Bopup Communication Server.

Please review our online documentation for the IServerClientVBA interface to learn more about it's methods, used types and constants that is available at MS Office (VBA) Developer's Guide Online Documentation New version of Bopup IM Client SDK also improved existing technical documentation within sample code, and tutorial projects also include Microsoft Excel files that demonstrate using the library from VBA editor.

Download Bopup IM Client SDK version 1.0.3