December 6, 2019

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Мы с радостью сообщаем нашим новым и существующим клиентам, что теперь связаться с нами можно в том числе и по бесплатному телефонному номеру 8-800-505-2228

Мы с удовольствием ответим на все ваши возникшие вопросы касающиеся приобретения наших программных продуктов Bopup, а также на вопросы технического характера. Звонок на номер бесплатен для всех регионов России как с мобильных так и со стационарных телефонов. Номер доступен в рабочие дни с 12:00 до 24:00 часов по Москве. 

В то же время нам можно отправить электронное сообщение на адрес, использовать живой чат на сайте или отправить сообщение используя форму обратной связи

December 5, 2019

Bopup Communication Server version 5.5.5

There is a minor update of the instant messaging server available. We released new version 5.5.5 of Bopup Communication Server application.

Most important changes added to it's setup packages that now correctly installs Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable on 64-bit versions of Windows. The server require that redistributable since it supports Postgres/Postgres Pro database families. So this update is important for new customers.

Download Bopup Communication Server version 5.5.5 — A private instant messaging server running as a self-hosted application for Windows

December 3, 2019

Improved version of the messenger app for Android

New version of Bopup Messenger for Android platform has been released today. It is version 1.7.1 that added improvements and minor fixes.

The new version fixes error if empty Contact List is being saved by a user. There was also another issue with duplicate contacts if offline messages are received on app startup.

As always the app can be download from our website at or updated using Googley Play store.

November 28, 2019

Black Friday 2019: 50% off for each new purchase!

We glad to announce a great sale offer for Bopup IM software applications. It starts tomorrow on November 29, 2019, the Black Friday day, and offers 50% discount for each order for Bopup Communication Server, Bopup Messenger or Bopup Observer products including product bundles.

In order to get a discount use FRIDAY2019 coupon code on order page. Be hurry to use the offer, it ends on the next Friday, on December 6, 2019!

October 31, 2019

Minor IM server update

We updated Bopup Communication Server applicationa and released it's new version 5.5.4 This build of the messaging server comes with a newer version of LibPQ runtime files that are needed to support and access to PostgreSQL database servers if they are used instead of Microsoft SQL Server to host the database. So we hope that the new version can avoid issues and possible internal errors persist in older runtime files and make the IM server much stable.

Download Bopup Communication Server version 5.5.4 — Instant messaging server with Active Directory (LDAP) support

October 20, 2019

Great improvements of the secure messenger for Android

We released new major update of Bopup Messenger app for Android platform. It's new version 1.7.0 added support for application automatic launch on device startup for Android 8.0+ OS versions. Previous releases of the application had issues with auto-startup on latest versions of Android. Verison 1.7.0 also fully supports 64-bit devices according to Google guidance and requirements.

Download Bopup Messenger for Android version 1.7.0 — Safe and fast instant messenger for small offices and enterprise networks

October 8, 2019

Bopup Communication Server version 5.5.3 is relesed

New version 5.5.3 of the communication server possible issues with dependencies that are required by it's program files. Now setup packages of the IM server includes and installs Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable package that can be missed on a target system. Both packages for 32- and 64-bit are installed depending on a Windows version.

The new update also fixes critical runtime error on file transfer if Postgres/Postgre SQL database software is used instead of Microsoft SQL Server family to host the program's database.

October 4, 2019

New versions of the IM clients improved checking for simultaneous instances

New updates of Bopup Messenger and Bopup Observer have been released today. Applications added improved check for its' multiple copies running on a computer at the same time. That change solves issues when users could have multiple instances of the messenger running simultaneously that affects to a number of supported connections on a server-side.

Another improvement is related to File Transfer function in the applications. New check for existing data has been added and if destination folder already contains file/folder with same name as a received transfer then the application offers to overwrite it or save the new data under another name.

Download Bopup Messenger version 7.0.10 and Bopup Observer version 6.0.6 — Network messengers for healthcare and corporate environments

August 27, 2019

New IM server update: version 5.5.2

New version 5.5.2 of Bopup Communication Server is available for download. It fixes some minor issues in the software that may cause a critical error in the service module when it suddenly crashes with error related to third-party library for PostgreSQL database server. This may happen even Microsoft SQL Server is used as a host database server.

We revieved a source code and added necessary changes to avoid that from happening. So this recent version of the IM server is a recommended update for all existing customers who already upgraded to version 5.5 released in August 2019.

Download Bopup Communication Server — Text messaging server with advanced management and message archiving

August 8, 2019

Minor update of the communication server console

New version 5.5.1 of Bopup Communication Server has been released today. It fixes displaying the number of currently connected users and amount of total delivered messages/files under Activity on the Dashboard view of Management Console. We noticed that previous version 5.5.1 that added support for PostgreSQL database servers mistakenly came with such issue.

As always it is easy to update an existing version of the IM server. Just download a new setup package and launch it on server computer.

Download Bopup Communication Server version 5.5.1 — Fully private, stand-alone and local instant messaging server

August 4, 2019

Пошаговая инструкция по установке PostgreSQL/Postgres Pro в качестве сервера базы данных для сервера мгновенных сообщений

Мы добавили новую статью на наш вебсайт, которая помогает установить программное обеспечение PostgreSQL или Postgres Pro в роли сервера базы данных для Bopup Communication Server. Начиная с версии 5.5.0 сервера сообщаний была добавлена поддержка семейства серверов баз данных PostgreSQL, которое теперь может быть использовано взамен Microsoft SQL Server. Конечные пользователи в процессе установки теперь могут выбрать какой тип SQL сервера необходимо использовать.

Поддержка Open Source программного обеспечения, а также российских программных продуктов находящихся в Едином реестре российских программ для электронных вычислительных машин и баз данных является одним из важнейших пунктом в программе импортозамещения в сфере информационных технологий. Данный фактор наиболее критичен для государственных и бюджетных организаций РФ.

Bopup Communication Server поддерживает все последние версии программного обеспечения PostgreSQL, поэтому наша документация описывает процесс установки для версий 9.x, 10.x and 11.x.

Инструкция содержит ссылки для загрузки как 32-, так и 64-битный версий SQL Server, описывает все шаги установки включая выбор обязательных компонентов и параметры сервера с настройкой порта и учетной записи суперпользователя. Вторая часть статьи описывать как использовать установленный PostgreSQL из Мастера Установки сервера сообщений для завершения настройки всей системы.

Прочитать пошаговую инструкцию по установке PostgreSQL/Postgres Pro версии 9.x/10.x/11.x в качестве сервера базы данных для сервера мгновенных сообщений Bopup Communication Server

August 3, 2019

Step-by-step guide to install PostgreSQL/Postgres Pro as a host database server for the IM server

Here is a new useful article available on our website that helps to install PostgreSQL or Postgres Pro software in a role of host database server for Bopup Communication Server. Starting from version 5.5.0 of the communication server we added support for PostgreSQL server family that can be now used to host the app database instead of Microsoft SQL Server. Customers are able now choose what type of the SQL Server they need to use during the IM server setup.

Bopup Communication Server supports all recent versions of PostgreSQL database server so our guide contains information for versions 9.x, 10.x and 11.x.

The guide includes download links for 32- and 64-bit versions of the SQL Server, overviews installation steps including selecting necessary components and configuring the server within port and superuser account. Next part of the article describes how to use PostgreSQL from the IM server installation to complete the setup.

Read the Guide on installing PostgreSQL/Postgres Pro version 9.x/10.x/11.x as a host database server

July 29, 2019

Bopup Communication Server added support for Postgres Pro database servers

Today we released new version of Bopup Communication Server, it is version 5.5.0 Among a huge number of improvements and minor fixes this release added support for Postgres Pro database servers that can be now used instead of Microsoft SQL Server family to host the program database.

Now the setup contains a new dialog that offers to choose between Microsoft SQL Server and Postgres Pro server families .

Choosing Postgres Pro database server during installation process

The IM server supports all line of Postgres Pro servers including versions 9.x, 10.x and 11.x We added support for this type of the SQL server according to law regulations in Russian Federation which restrict using foreign commercial software for govemenment and non-profit organizations in Russia.

In the next few days we will prepare and publish a new article on our website that describes steps on how to download and install Postgres Pro server software and then setup Bopup Communication Server on it.

Download Bopup Communication Server version 5.5.0 — Enteprise instant messaging solution for commercial, healthcare and educational networks

May 7, 2019

Great improvements of Bopup Messenger for Android platform

We improved our Bopup Messenger for Android application. It's new version 1.6.1 added support for notifications on new messages shown in Status Bar area on top of the device screen. Within a good visible message icon the app includes texts and senders of unread messages.

The latest release of the messenger also changes formatting for displaying group and News messages. Now groups are shown within # sign instead of @ symbol before their names in conversations which is now used for News messages, i.e. vice versa.

There is also many other changes in the messenger interface such as text color and other formatting.

Download Bopup Messenger for Android version 1.6.1 — Small and fast secure messenger for business networks including LAN, Wi-Fi and Internet

May 4, 2019

Bopup Communication Server 5.4.3 is released

We released new update of the self-hosted instant messaging server, it is version 5.4.3 The new release fixes issue with sender's first and last names that can be empty when the message is sent from Bopup Messenger for Android client. So we recommend to update the server software in anyway even mobile clients are not used in the system.

The new update also improves a version upgrade procedure of remote Management Console (Admin mode). Now the setup detects, stops and removes messaging service wrongly installed by prior versions of Bopup Communication Server.

Download Bopup Communication Server version 5.4.3 — Managed self-hosted instant messaging software for small office and large enterprise networks

April 18, 2019

Known issue: Remote Management Console may cause issues on communication server

We discovered some critical bug with installation of remote Management Console. The issue occurs after a upgrade of the remote console installation to a new version. Once the update is installed it registers and runs a service module. That file named bcssrvc.exe is copied too by a mistake because the remote console should not have any running services. As a result customer is having two or multiple instances of the service running on different computers (where the remote console is installed) and all of them connect and use same SQL database. When a computer with such remote console is rebooted it's local IM service closes all opened sessions for users currently connected to working instance of the IM server. This causes showing zero users connected in another consoles at the same time within other critial issues that stops normal operation of the messaging server.

We fixed this issue and all future version of Bopup Communication Server will not install and run the service when only remote console is installed. For existing customers we advise to check for Bopup Communication Server service in the Services panel on all computers with remote Management Consoles, stop it and change the Startup type to Manual or Disabled. Then restart main service module running on primary communication server instance.

The remote management is a built-in feature of the IM server that allows to install only console application to connect and manage the messaging server. In order to use this function a primary instance of the communication server must permit it's remote control using secure password. To install the remote console a user can use same setup package file by choosing "Install the Management Console only" option during installation process.

Choosing installation mode of the IM server

Download Bopup Communication Server version 5.4.2 —  IM server for internal and public use with built-in message encryption and powerful management options

March 26, 2019

Minor updates of the messenger and observer IM clients

New versions of Bopup Messenger and Bopup Observer are available for download. There minor releases of the messaging software that improve establishing connection with the IM server by reducing it's resources. New versions remember and use successful authentication mode from previous connection that can be Simple, Windows Authentication or Private login with password.

Download Bopup Messenger version 7.0.9 and Bopup Observer version 6.0.5 — Great private messengers for ultra-safe communications

March 25, 2019

Bopup Communication Server major update

We released new version 5.4 of Bopup Communication Server software that has great changes and improvements. The new version has changes in it's internal IM service that accepts and handles network connections made from users' messaging clients.

Startup page of the Management Console tool

What's new:

Added support for 3,200 concurrent users
The most important news that now the communication server can support up to 3,200 concurrent connections from Bopup Messenger and Bopup Observer clients. Previous value of 1,600 concurrent users was hard-coded in the software. We believe that now the IM server is ready to be used in large corporate and private networks.

Improvements in the service module to make the server much stable
There are a lot of improvements and enhancements we made in the service module that handles all users' connections over network. The service could hang or stop accept new connections from the messenger clients at some time so we reviewed and rebuilt it's source code to avoid all possible issues and problems. It works now faster, better and should take a smaller amount of computer RAM.

LDAP integration function fix
The function to automatically search and import user accounts from Active Directory include important fixes. It did not import users if non-default account is used by the function to connect to the AD catalog.

Localized event messages to Russian language
Now the service module writes information, warning and error messages to Event Log in Russian language if it is running on Russian version of Windows system.

Download Bopup Communication Server version 5.4.0 — Secure, fast and fully private instant messaging platform for encrypted corporate communications

March 14, 2019

Bopup IM review at

We are proud to inform that our IM software got a great review at The product also received few awards from the reviewers team.

In addition to key features of the software that the review describes there are also 3 scenarios are provided. They help to understand how Bopup IM platform can improve and level up a real-time communication in customer's real environment and situations.

The 1st case overviews a call center environment where employees must be instantly and urgently notified using Bopup Observer client. In the 2nd scenario the instant messengers are deployed as HIPAA compliant software over clinic network to let doctors and nurses communicate with each other using desktop and Android clients. And in the last case the File Distribution feature is finely described when important documents and presentations can be easily distributed to users' computers in an automated mode.

The review does provide a deep pricing information for each type of the messenger client separately, and for our bundles including Standard, Office and Enterprise Packs. There is also a proper information about technical support that we as a software vendor provide to our customers. At the same time the review page looks to be a good place to see different product comparison and find out alternative software for Bopup IM.

About FinancesOnline

Before FinancesOnline became the fastest growing independent review platform for B2B, SaaS and financial solutions it was first an innovative idea of a directory that would help business owners find the best solution to fit their needs.

February 24, 2019

Chat server fixed critical issue with sending group message using ranges of IP addresses

New version 5.3.2 of Bopup Communication Server has been release and it is now available for download at As always changes are available in the Update Center at

Management Console of the communication server application
What's new:

Fixed issue with sending group and messages to IP ranges
Since version 5.3.0 the server supports multiple ranges of IP addresses through which users can be dynamically assigned. We recommend to all users that use versions 5.3.0 and 5.3.1 to update the server software to avoid troubles with delivering instant messages using IP ranges.

Interface improvements in Management Console app
The server console also added a huge number of improvements and fixes. It's News list now displays ranges of IP addresses that assigned groups have. News message profile pages also show assigned groups if they have only IP ranges. For newly added users that are not yet assigned to groups/news/file tasks the account profile screen displays Users assignment pane with buttons to easily manage assigned groups, News and File Distributions tasks.

Download Bopup Communication Server version 5.3.2 — In-house chat server for companies and clinics

February 15, 2019

New versions Bopup IM clients for Android and Windows PC

There are new versions of Bopup Messenger, Bopup Observer and Bopup Messenger for Android available. The client bring numerious updates and changes that relate to interface and other minor functions.

Enteprise messenger for Windows

Recent version of the messenger app for Android platform fixes minor issues with background gradient shown on devices with different sizes and density.

Download Bopup IM clients — A part of secure text messaging system provided as a self-hosted solution

February 1, 2019

Turn off the history log by keeping existing messaging archive on the IM server

New version 5.3.1 of Bopup Communication Server changed the function that turns off the Message History log. Now it just disables the log for all future messaging and does not delete existing archive.

Logging settings in the server console
So it is possible to temporary disable the history by keeping existing data on the IM server.

Download Bopup Communication Server 5.3.1 — Self-hosted instant messaging server software for wide range of businesses

January 30, 2019

Bopup Messenger for Android fixes critical issues on tablet devices

New version 1.5.2 of the messenger application for Android platform fixes many interface and critical errors on running on tablet devices. There was a crash on startup so the app could not even run on such devices. Another issue was discovered on opening options screen. They all within other minor improvements have been solved in the recent release.

Bopup Messenger interface on Anroid tablet
Download Bopup Messenger for Android — Mobile messaging client with encryption

January 26, 2019

Useful improvements of Android messenger

We built a new version 1.5.1 of Bopup Messenger for Android platform. It does not come with a lot of changes but fixes annoing problem on phone start when the messenger app is closed with an error. This occurred only on Android 8.0 and later versions when the IM client is configured to launch automatically.

Another improvement is removal of the messenger from a list of recent applications when a user closes it manually by selecting Quit menu item.

The new version is already available on Google Play store so existing applications will be updated smoothly. Otherwise Bopup Messenger can be downloaded from Download Center

January 23, 2019

Messaging Groups of instant messaging server now support multiple IP ranges

New version 5.3.0 of Bopup Communication Server is available for download. This is major release of the server product that added support for multiple ranges of IP addresses that can be now associated with each messaging group. Previous versions of the communication server supported only a single IP range that could be used to dynamically add users to the group. In some cases that was not enough if a customer has large and complicated network with different ranges of IP addresses. Now that question can be easily solved.

Assign users to group dynamically via multiple IP ranges

The "IP range" tab of the group properties dialog contains a list of associated IP ranges. Click Add... button to add a new range of addresses including a short comment string.

Adding a new range of IP addresses

To remove an existing IP range click Remove button.

All dynamically assigned users get an instant notification once they have been added or removed from a group.

The new version of the IM server also fixed a user display option that shows user names in the server console in a choosen format. It worked wrong regardless the selected format.

Download Bopup Communication Server 5.3.0 — Secure instant messaging server for small offices and corporate networks

January 7, 2019

Bopup IM server is now available with built-in Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Express database server

New version 5.2.10 of Bopup Communication Server has been released. This release a minor improvement update that also added recent version of IM Client Configuration Tool.

The main addition is that the server setup package is now available within built-in Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Express. This makes possible to smoothly and easily install the communication server on latest versions of operating system such as Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016.

File size of the new setup file is around 177 Mb. All previous setups within SQL Server 2005 Express and SQL Server 2008 R2 Express are also available for download. They are recommended for earlier versions of Windows since they are smaller and quicker to install.

Download Bopup Communication Server version 5.2.10 — Great instant messaging server for office communications

January 4, 2019

Compuwave GmbH is our new partner is Germany and Europe

Meet our new reseller in Germany and other European countries, this is Compuwave GmbH.

For more details and contact information please refer the following data and reseller's website. For find information about our other resellers and distributors check our page at

Compuwave GmbH
Grünwalder Weg 13 a
82008 Unterhaching

+49 (0) 89 - 231 4142 0
+49 (0) 89 - 231 4142 99 (Fax)