November 28, 2012

New version 4.1.2 of Bopup Communication Server

We released new update of the communication server software, and it's version 4.1.2 is available for download. This latest release comes with minor improvements and changes and this is not a priority update for the software.

Are you still using "old" versions of the IM software?

If you still use old versions of the communication server and messenger clients then it is a good time today to upgrade to the latest versions. Even you have oldest versions like version 3.3 installed you can easily and quickly migrate to the latest software. We have a document that overviews all the steps you need to follow on upgrade, check it out here

  1. Install new version of the IM server over existing software
  2. Upload new versions of the messengers (MSI packages) on the server through Management Console in order to update the IM clients
  3. Enjoy with functions available in new versions

Download Bopup Communication Server version 4.1.2

November 27, 2012

New version of Bopup IM Client SDK added support for VB.Net developers

Bopup IM Client SDK version 1.0.2 has been released and now available for download. This version added new IServerClientVB interface, structures and defines which are especially designed for VB.Net developers.

Since our existing IServerClient interface is primarily designed for Microsoft Visual C++ programmers then it makes hard to use our IM SDK because many of data and types must be marshaled and casted between Microsoft Visual Basic .Net source code and the interface's structures and methods. The IServerClientVB solves this problem because it is Automation-compatible interface and operates with standard VB data types such as String, Array, etc.

For more information on using this interface and it's methods refer to Online Help documentation available at

The new version of Bopup IM Client SDK added sample code in VB.Net in addition to Visual C++ 6.0 sample projects that show how to connect to the communication server, send/receive various of data to/from the IM server, transmit and get instant messages. Develops and add IM & chat functionality with VB.Net environement in a few minutes!

Download Bopup IM Client SDK version 1.0.2