December 22, 2012

Great updates of the IM software!

Today is the time to release great updates both of the IM server and messenger software. We released new releases of Bopup Communication Server version 4.1.3, Bopup Messenger 6.1.3 and Bopup Observer 5.1.2

What's new:

Automated rebuild of Contact Lists on the IM server works better and smoothly
The latest version of the communication server improves function of rebuilding users' contacts when some minor or great changes occur in user structure. Now status of Contact Lists are changed in the db even administrator declines immediate rebuild if users are moved to another Organizational Unit, accounts enabled/disabled or permissions have been edited for some OU. This gives a possibility to rebuild contacts manually from the Options dialog when all changes in the console are done.

Update contacts in the messenger on-the-fly
Another great addition in the software is automated delivery of newly built Contact Lists to connected users when the contacts have been manually and automatically re-organized in the Management Console. In this case the server notifies online users and force them to retrieve their Contact List again. Now rebuilt buddy lists are shown in the messenger instantly without it's restart and reconnect.

Send files faster and do not want for a recipient's response
The server adds new option that extends File Transfer functionality. It allows to transmit files and folders immediately on the server first even the recipient is online. Thus the sender has to do not wait while the recipient accepts or declines the transfer because the server receives it instantly. The new option can be found on the File Transfer page of the Options dialog box in the Management Console.

Fixed saving and restoring positions of the messengers on Desktop
Since prior versions of the messenger software added function to show the IM client on the Taskbar some our customers were experience issues with showing messenger windows on user's desktop. The new updates fix those issues that occurred if user closes minimized window from Taskbar.

No invalid text appended on sending graphic "smiles" in messages
Bopup Messenger fixes error when strange symbols appended and displayed on recipient's side after some graphic smiles.

Receive and find received files and documents easily
The latest versions of the messengers add new settings on the File Transfer tab in the Options dialog that allows to create sub-folder to place a received data and includes sender's name. In addition to existing option that create the same subdirectory named current date it is easy now to find files and documents received in the past. By the way, that setting are now moved to user's interface and available on the File Transfer page.

Conversations include group messages too within received private messages
The latest version of Bopup Messenger shows group messages too within personal messages received from selected contact when you open a conversation dialog (sending message window). Group messages sent by that user are marked with green color while personal messages received from him are red and ours messages are always blue.

Download latest versions of the IM software now

December 7, 2012

Bopup IM Live Chat is changed but working again

We were experiencing troubles with our Live Chat function on the website in the past few months because the messenger form stopped working in the middle of August 2012. That was very annoying issue and problem for us and our customers. Since our Live Chat feature was based on Windows Live Messenger platform we tried to find some references on Microsoft's website and support forums. But nothing and no one helped us.

We also noticed that a lot of Windows Live platform has been changed in the past months, like, websites, and thought all the time that the issue we are having with the Live Chat form is a temporary problem. But we were in wrong...

Confirmed: Microsoft To Kill Windows Live Messenger in 2013
Microsoft has officially confirmed that the company will discontinue Windows Live Messenger in 2013, moving all users over to Skype in Q1. This move will include migrating Messenger’s 100 million users to Skype’s platform.

That's the reason why we were having troubles with our Live Chat website form all the past time — Microsoft is slowly killing services related to Windows Live Messenger platform.

Today we migrated and started to use a new Live Chat feature, it looks simply and works like the form from Microsoft. Thus our Live Chat function has been restored and now available on our websites again. Welcome!

November 28, 2012

New version 4.1.2 of Bopup Communication Server

We released new update of the communication server software, and it's version 4.1.2 is available for download. This latest release comes with minor improvements and changes and this is not a priority update for the software.

Are you still using "old" versions of the IM software?

If you still use old versions of the communication server and messenger clients then it is a good time today to upgrade to the latest versions. Even you have oldest versions like version 3.3 installed you can easily and quickly migrate to the latest software. We have a document that overviews all the steps you need to follow on upgrade, check it out here

  1. Install new version of the IM server over existing software
  2. Upload new versions of the messengers (MSI packages) on the server through Management Console in order to update the IM clients
  3. Enjoy with functions available in new versions

Download Bopup Communication Server version 4.1.2

November 27, 2012

New version of Bopup IM Client SDK added support for VB.Net developers

Bopup IM Client SDK version 1.0.2 has been released and now available for download. This version added new IServerClientVB interface, structures and defines which are especially designed for VB.Net developers.

Since our existing IServerClient interface is primarily designed for Microsoft Visual C++ programmers then it makes hard to use our IM SDK because many of data and types must be marshaled and casted between Microsoft Visual Basic .Net source code and the interface's structures and methods. The IServerClientVB solves this problem because it is Automation-compatible interface and operates with standard VB data types such as String, Array, etc.

For more information on using this interface and it's methods refer to Online Help documentation available at

The new version of Bopup IM Client SDK added sample code in VB.Net in addition to Visual C++ 6.0 sample projects that show how to connect to the communication server, send/receive various of data to/from the IM server, transmit and get instant messages. Develops and add IM & chat functionality with VB.Net environement in a few minutes!

Download Bopup IM Client SDK version 1.0.2

October 24, 2012

Access the instant messengers from Taskbar on Windows desktop

New versions both of Bopup Messenger and Bopup Observer client software added a new setting to the Options dialog that allows to show the application in Taskbar. This is a useful addition because it is possible to access and bring the main window of the messenger on the front of Windows desktop if it is already open by clicking it's icon in Taskbar.

The server-side application, Bopup Communication Server, has been also updated. It comes with new version of Setup.ini Configuration Tool that supports then new IM client setting.

The IM client software also improved applying settings that are instantly downloaded from the communication server. Previously downloaded options are now deleted from the messenger if there is no any settings file uploaded on Bopup Communication Server. This function allows to reset current settings in the messengers simply by removing configuration file from Management Console.

The latest version of Bopup Messenger improved a speed of sending messages. No delay occurs in the client if text messages are typed quickly and sent rapidly. Even there is some error with empty message field or selected recipient in the interface shown balloon tooltips do not block and do not freeze any more!

Download the latest releases of Bopup Messenger 6.1.2, Bopup Observer 5.1.2 and Bopup Communication Server 4.1.1

October 19, 2012

Updated Bopup IM Client SDK

Bopup IM Client SDK version 1.0.1 has been released. This version of Software Development Kit provides support for the latest version 4.1 of Bopup Communication Server and allows to receive structured tree-based contacts. It also includes updated CSClient.DLL and SecPrvdr.DLL COM modules that caused issues with their registration in Windows system.

Please note that SDK documentation has been updated too because it added new structures and constant definitions.

Download Bopup IM Client SDK version 1.0.1

October 14, 2012

Bopup Messenger User's Guide is available in a PDF file

Now User's Guide for Bopup Messenger client is available in a stand-alone PDF file. This documentation file includes help information for the product including software screens. A similar file is provided for Bopup Observer client too.

Thus it is possible now to browse help documentation for the messenger software online at Online Help, view CHM help files that are installed within the products or just download PDF help files to read the domentation locally on a computer or even print it.

Download Bopup Messenger User's Guide in a PDF file

October 13, 2012

Minor but useful updates of Bopup IM clients

We released new updates for the messenger software. Bopup Messenger version 6.1.1 and Bopup Observer 5.1.1 include some minor changes but important and useful additions.

Sending messages works faster

The new version of the messenger client removes a little delay on sending new messages in the conversation dialog. Prior versions disabled both the Send message button and message field while an outgoing message was delivering to the IM server. And this caused some nasty experience when outgoing messages are typed fast and need to be sent quickly. So we decided to remove the delay and to do not make the controls inactive. And the messenger "flies" now! Really!

Make it tiny

Now you can make the main window of the messenger shorter and thinner. It's a very useful ergonomic feature.

File Transfer dialogs remember their desktop positions

Both the sending and receiving files dialogs in the messenger now remember and keep their positions in order to restore the windows on the next appearance. If you transfer documents and set some Advanced options (available to Administrators and Power Users) then those settings are also remembered for subsequent transfers.

A lot of other improvements, minor changes and fixes

Download Bopup Messenger version 6.1.1. and Bopup Observer 5.1.1

October 9, 2012

Structured Contact Lists, instant update of IM client settings... Meet new versions of Bopup IM software!

We are happy to announce that new versions of Bopup IM software have been released. These major updates both of the communication server and instant messenger clients bring all-new and powerful functionality which makes our software more better, handy and useful.

What's new:

Structured Contact Lists

There was very annoying question in our software: plain Contact Lists in the messenger clients. Yes, it works fine if there is a little amount of users on the messaging network. But what's about if there is 50, 100 or more users?

New version 4.1.0 of Bopup Communication Server added a new option that allows to deliver structured, tree-based contacts to connected users. Now users can be shown under their Organizational Units like you they are shown in Management Console on the server.

Instant update of IM clients settings

Another important features is a delivery new and changed settings to the messenger clients without having to wait for a new release. Now client settings can be distributed to users "on-the fly" — on the next connection to the IM server. New versions of the messengers always check for updated settings once they establish a connect with the IM server and download a new set of options if it is available.

Setup.ini Configuration Tool is now a part of the IM server

Do you know about our Setup.ini Configuration Tool? Did you have a chance to use it? Forget about changing and modifying the setup.ini file youself to set the options for the messenger software. Because we built a great tool that let generate or edit existing configuration file through a graphic interface that is similar to the Options dialog of Bopup Messenger.

Now this configuration tool is included to the communication server package. And it is also integrated to server's interface when you create and change IM client settings. Just click to edit the settings and the tool automatically uploads them onto the server.

Multiple conversations are opened in cascade mode

Bopup Messenger added a useful functions that checks and opens multiple sending dialogs in a cascade mode. This prevents a newly opened window from overlapping existings.

Show branding logo in the main window of Bopup Observer

Bopup Observer now shows a branding logo uploaded on the IM server in it's main window too. We added a "Today's Messages" title too (like in Bopup Messenger client) to have a space to get branding logo visible.

Download Bopup Communication Server 4.1.0, Bopup Messenger 6.1.0 and Bopup 5.1.0

August 22, 2012

Our Live Chat support is now working again

We glad to inform customers and visitors that Live Chat sales & support is now available again on our websites. The Live Chat messenger stopped working about 1 month ago due to Microsoft's platform issues and we were not able to response to inquiries and questions via website messenger form. Anyway now it is working again that gives another way to reach us more quicker and faster.

August 21, 2012

New update of Bopup Communication Server is available

Bopup Communication Server version 4.0.14 is now available for download at This is a minor update of the software but it comes with some great improvements.

What's new:

Added option to protect with password a launch of local Management Console

As you know you can manage your communication server remotely from another computer. It is possible just enable appropriate option and protect the sever with a secure password that must be entered during installation of remote Management Console and it's connection to the running instance of the IM server. But now a local installation of the console can be also protected. This version adds a new setting in the Interface tab called "Password protect launch of local Management Console" that asks for the password each time when you run your local Management Console. It is useful if the server computer is shared with users and they can work on it directly or via Terminal Services.

The new option is available only if remote management of the IM server is currently enabled.

Added ability to edit built-in and non-removable @BUILTIN_SENDER account on the IM server

This version of the communication server bring the built-in @BUILTIN_SENDER user account visible for editing in Management Console. This account is used by the server to send News messages and private messages to users and groups from the console. Some users asked us to change it's name because there was no option to change the account details or account name. Now this account is available in the console and you are able to add first and last names, edit it's descriptions, etc. Please note that the account cannot be deleted, disabled, renamed or moved to another Organizational Unit from the "_Default". The main idea was to make the sender name more friendly when it is showing in the messenger clients.

Fixed error in the Setup Wizard that occurs when only the Management Console is installed on Windows 64-bit systems

Version 4.0.14 of Bopup Communication Server also fixes setup error if only the Management Console is installed for remote control of an existing communication server. The error occurred only on Windows x64 platforms on the page of the Setup Wizard that asks the server address and password for connection.

Download the latest version of Bopup Communication Server

August 19, 2012

Annual cost for Upgrade Service is reduced for a small amount of the IM clients

Great news for small-size companies! We reduced the cost for Upgrade Service subscription for our customers who bought a small amount of the instant messengers. Now the annual fee for 10 and up to 20 IM clients is only $55 US. This cost includes upgrades to new versions of the starting from 2nd year. We reduced this price from 125 USD for companies that applied our offer for small-size companies and got the communication server at no cost. 

August 1, 2012

Live Chat is temporary unavailable

We have discovered that Live Chat application on our website at is unavailable in the past few hours. We think that this is a Microsoft issue because Live Chat function is based on Windows Live Messenger service. We cannot say when it will start working again, and our apologizes for this problem.

Please notice that only website messenger form is temporary not working. Our toll free US/Canada phone within support and sales e-mails work as well.

July 19, 2012

Meet Bopup.It website

Today we launched an Italian version of our website at Now information about our IM software products available in Italian language within localized versions of the client instant messengers that are offered in Italian too including setup package and user interface. We are glad to support native customers from Italy and Italian-spoken users around the World.

June 1, 2012

Italian versions of the client instant messaging software are available

We are proud to inform our Italian users and customers that now Bopup Messenger and Bopup Observer IM clients are available in Italian language too. Localized versions include independent setup packages in Italian like we have for English, French, Spanish, Dutch, German and Russian languages. All setup packages are available in our Download Center at

Download Bopup Messenger version 6.0.6 and Bopup Observer version 5.0.6

May 31, 2012

The Setup Wizard of the communication server fixes issues with installing product on existing MS SQL Server

New update is available for Bopup Communication Server software. Latest version 4.0.13 fixes issues with installing the communication server on existing Microsoft SQL Server software. The main issue was that the Setup Wizard of Bopup Communication Server could not properly recognize an existing instance of the SQL Server running locally or on remote computer. Even a valid address of the SQL Server was entered. We found that this problem primary depended on a new version of InstallShield software which was changed a few versions ago and now is used to build setup packages of our IM software.

Download the latest version 4.0.13 of Bopup Communication Server 

April 25, 2012

Fixed saving Active Directory (LDAP) Integration settings on the IM server

Today new version of Bopup Communication Server has been released. Version 4.0.12 comes with built-in Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express that was added in previous version of the server and also fixes problem with saving settings in the "Active Directory (LDAP) Intergation" dialog available in the Tools menu of the Management Console.

The problem with saving LDAP integration settings comes from version 4.0.0 of the communication server in which we moved that options from the Options dialog to a separate window. Starting from that version the Active Directory integration could not even turned on (by default it is off) so it was impossible to search, import and create user accounts "on-the-fly" from the LDAP catalog.

For more information about this feature please refer to online documentation of Bopup Communication Server available at

Download Bopup Communication Server version 4.0.12

April 16, 2012

Bopup Communication Server is now shipped with MS SQL Server 2005 Express

We have good news regarding our communication server product. Now it's full setup package comes with built-in Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express for both 32- and 64-bit Windows systems. The new SQL Server replaced MSDE 2000 software which was included to all previous versions of Bopup Communication Server.

What are benefits of using the new SQL Server software? We agree that size of the new setup package becomes bigger. But the main benefit is that Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express is supported and can be installed on latest versions of Windows, i.e. Vista, 7 and later. This was the primary issue with the built-in MSDE 2000 software because it is not supported starting from Windows Vista.

Now there are no needs to learn our online guide and to manually install Microsoft SQL Server 2005/2008/2012 Express editions as a host SQL Server for the communication server software. The new setup package solves all these issues and Bopup Communication Server can be easily installed with the built-in SQL Server on all major Windows systems starting from Windows 2000.

Download Bopup Communication Server version 4.0.11

April 13, 2012

Microsoft SQL Server 2012 is fully supported by Bopup Communication Server

We glad to inform our users and partners that the setup of Bopup Communication Server has been tested on Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Express edition. Since that is the latest version of the SQL Server software from Microsoft then it is important to ensure that the server is fully supported by our IM server. The setup went fine with no issues.

We also updated our Step-by-Step Guide to Install Microsoft SQL Server 2005/2008/2012 Express Edition as a Host Database Server for Bopup Communication Server and added SQL Server 2012 to the list of supported versions. The download links for SQL Server 2005 and 2008 were also changed and now point to Microsoft SQL Server 2005 SP4 and Microsoft SQL Server 2008 SP3 setup packages.

April 11, 2012

Improved Live Chat support on

This is just a notification for our clients and customers about minor but useful improvements of Live Chat messenger available at website. Now it's chat window can be resized in Microsoft Internet Exporer and other major web browsers. The messenger pop up window is also painted in orange color similar to a theme of a whole website.

Another great improvement is that a new floating bar painted green with "Live Chat" title added on the left of the pages. You always see it even you scroll the page up or down.

Do not forget that you can always and quickly contact us if you have some issues, problems or inquiries regarding our software, it's functions and pricing model. It is easy to start a live chat. Just click the Live Chat link on the top right of each page on the website or use the Request for a Live Chat link at the bottom under the Question & Support title.

March 30, 2012

Bopup Communication Server fixes a couple of issues if the logging Message History is disabled

New version 4.0.10 of Bopup Communication Server is released on March 30, 2012. This new version of the server fixes minor problems that may occur both on the server-side and instant messenger software if the option to log and archive Message History on the communication server is turned off.

Previous version 4.0.9 of Bopup Communication Server added a lot of improvements and went with new changes. Some of them was the option called "Enable archiving and logging history on the communication server" located on the "Logging" tab of the Options dialog box. Using that check box administrators can disable the Message History on the IM server at all. Sometimes that is useful and important in some companies.

Now version 4.0.10 fixes some issues that appear on IM client when an online message is successfully sent and the Message History is turned off on the IM server. In that case the instant messenger shows the sent message with the "The message has been saved on the server..." suffix in the conversation like for offline messages even the message goes to an online user.

The Setup Wizard also adds information on 19810 TCP/IP port that is used by the communication server as a primary port. Now it is easier to find and understand which network port should be configured and open on third-party firewall applications, router hardware, etc.

Download Bopup Communication Server version 4.0.10

March 16, 2012

Could Secure Instant Messaging Software Boost Your Business?

You'd be forgiven for thinking that instant messaging software is the sole domain of teenagers who want to chat to their friends — it happens a lot, after all — but there are actually a great many ways that a business can benefit from IM software. More specifically, an instant messaging suite that offers secure intra-office communication along with other features like file sharing and storage. Whether the business sells golf shoes or offers consumers a credit card transfer, IM can help. If you run a business or simply work in an office-based one, consider the amount that you use email over a given day or week. Hours and hours can be spent simply tapping emails back and forth to hammer out issues and discuss projects — but instant messaging offers a far more immediate solution. Rather than having to wait minutes or hours for replies, correspondence is sent in a matter of seconds. Provided each party is present at their end, an IM meeting can be a much quicker and more efficient way to organise a business. Let's take a look at some more ways that a secure IM solution could help give your business a shot in the arm.

Instantaneous communication wherever you are

While it's true that emails can now be received on phones and other mobile devices, for example if O2 mobile operator is used, there's nothing that has quite the same immediacy as an IM chat — except of course a face to face one. But at those times when a meeting like this isn't possible, IM can step in and fill the void. And with a secure solution like the Bopup Instant Messaging Suite, you can feel completely sure that all of the things you're talking about are in the strictest confidence. One of the major downfalls of popular IM clients is that they are susceptible to intrusion from malicious hackers and so on; with a bespoke IM system, your company can keep all of its IM communication within the walls of the business.

On-the-fly file sharing

Nothing is more frustrating than needing a file in the middle of a meeting, then having to walk all the way across an office or up and down an elevator just to find it. With a secure IM system at your business, you can send and receive files in a completely secure way. So no matter what you need, you can get it sent to you right away. This is particularly handy during meetings when files may need to be called upon at a moment's notice. Many IM suites also include a secure file system to keep all sent and received documents safe. When the risk of external interference is removed by running the IM software on a LAN or WAN, there comes an added benefit — the peace of mind of those in charge of running the business and securing business-critical information.

Message logging, accountability and tracking

Running a business is all about efficiency, so it's always useful when staff can track their progress. With a secure IM system like the Bopup Instant Messaging Suite, all messages can be logged on file. This means that managers or users can look up past chats and files that they've dealt with to double check details. Accountability is also important for businesses, so with everything tracked by an IM system, it's easy to see exactly who said what and when. All of these options need to be flexible, of course, so you can turn them on or off at will on most secure IM clients.

As you can see, chatting via IM is for far more than arranging birthday parties and social events — it can be used to genuine business advantage. It can make all communications within an organization centralized, and ensure that files are safe and secure at all times. With the flexibility offered by the options in a system like the Bopup Instant Messaging Suite, any business can turn the software into an invaluable tool for streamlining their processes and optimizing their intra-office communications. Whether they need to use it to encourage communication between colleagues, or they want to start optimizing meetings by holding them in virtual meeting rooms, a secure instant messaging solution can really help.

March 13, 2012

A new great tool to create and edit existing Setup.ini configuration file

We are glad to inform our existing customers and new clients that we have released Setup.ini Configuration Tool that helps to easily and fast create new and edit existing setup.ini file.

As you know our IM client software, both Bopup Messenger and Bopup Observer clients can be installed and distributed with a set of pre-existing settings. In order to enable this the setup.ini must be placed into the same directory that contains installation package of the instant messenger. The main issue was that the setup.ini settings file includes a lot of options and it is a little difficult to learn which settings are for and to build a proper file by editing file's entry in a text editor.

To support our users we released Setup.ini Configuration Tool that is now available for download at This handy utility offers to set up all needed and required options via graphic interface that is similar to the Options window of the instant messenger software.

The options property dialog of the configuration tool looks like the Options dialog box in the Bopup Messenger client. So you can set and clear check boxes like you are working in the messenger. The most of the check boxes are 3-state and having checked, unchecked and undefined states. Each from these states applies the following in the end-user IM client software:
  • Checked — the option will be enabled and grayed out in the messenger client, users will not be able to change it
  • Unchecked — the option will be disabled and grayed out in the messenger client, users will not be able to change it
  • Undefined — the setting will not be included to setup.ini file that means that users will be able to change and modify it from the messengers
The configuration tool also provides a Preview function. It allows to quickly see how the settings will look in the instant messenger interface, i.e. which options will be enabled/disabled and which will be available for change to a user. To preview options click Preview button in the options property dialog.

March 8, 2012

Bopup IM software has been awarded as one of the Best Web Tools 2012

We are proud to inform that our IM software has been awarded and recognized by as one of the Best Web Tools for Instant Messaging Software category. They said that Bopup IM also provides the best quality products and services for your web solutions needs.

March 7, 2012

Bopup Messenger and Bopup Observer fix issues with a Sleep Mode in Windows

New versions of the instant messaging client software have been released. Bopup Messenger version 6.0.4 and Bopup Observer version 5.0.4 fix issues that are related to a Sleep (Suspend) Mode in Windows system. We were notified that if the conversation dialogs are left open on the desktop and the PC goes to suspend mode then the dialogs become blank and and contain no previous conversation when the computer resumes. This problem occurs only if the "Show only online users" option is enabled in the messenger which hides users in Contact List that are not on the IM network.

The new versions improve and now support a sleep/suspend mode in Windows. If the computer goes to a sleep then the messengers automatically disconnect from the communication server and do not try to re-connect again while the computer/laptop sleeps. Connection with the IM server is established only when Windows resumes and network connections are ready.

Download the latest versions of Bopup Messenger and Bopup Observer clients.

March 5, 2012

Tips & Tricks: How to reinstall Bopup Communication Server

This post explains issues and describes how to reinstall Bopup Communication Server software on the same computer. Since the communication server uses a SQL server database and can be also installed with built-in MSDE 2000 package (Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine) then it is required to do some operations manually after uninstall of the IM server software and before installing it again.

Below is a step-by-step instruction that helps to reinstall Bopup Communication Server on the same machine. Please note that this guide is valid only if the IM server was installed with MSDE 2000 software:

Step-by-step instruction on reinstalling Bopup Communication Server using built-in MSDE 2000: 
  1. Uninstall Bopup Communication Server from "Add/Remove Programs" panel.
  2. Uninstall Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine from "Add/Remove Programs" panel.
  3. Go to "Program Files" directory and remove "Microsoft SQL Server" subfolder from there.
  4. Reboot the computer if needed or to ensure that no any existing data will remain.
  5. Start the setup package of Bopup Communication Server.
There some differences if the communication server uses existing Microsoft SQL Server that is running on the same computer or externally. In that case both "BCS40" database and "bcsadmin" user login must be removed from SQL server using management tools. The subsequent installation of Bopup Communication Server will create the database and SQL login again otherwise if that data remains on the SQL server this will cause errors.

Step-by-step instruction on reinstalling Bopup Communication Server using external SQL server:
  1. Uninstall Bopup Communication Server from "Add/Remove Programs" panel.
  2. Remove "BCS40" and "bcsadmin" login name from the SQL server.
  3. Reboot the computer if needed or to ensure that no any existing data will remain.
  4. Start the setup package of Bopup Communication Server.

February 27, 2012

New versions of the instant messengers can export Message History to a text file

Today new minor updates of Bopup Messenger 6.0.3 and Bopup Observer 5.0.3 have been released. The new versions add a function to the Message History dialog that saves selected instant messages and file transfers to a text file. To export messages select one or multiple items from the list by pressing and holding Ctrl key and then click "Save as..." button in the window.

Download latest versions of the instant messaging clients

February 25, 2012

Bopup IM Client Software Development Kit (SDK) is now available!

We are proud to announce that Bopup IM Client SDK version 1.0 has been released and now is available for download. Using this Software Development Kit developers and companies can create instant messaging client applications and software that uses our Bopup Communication Server.

Bopup IM Client Software Development Kit (SDK) is a toolkit for Windows platform that provides documentation, samples and COM components for building powerful instant messaging functionality into existing applications, creating and developing a chat messenger software based a client/server architecture. Applications built on this SDK interact and communicate with Bopup Communication Server (IM server software) that must be installed as a server-side part of the instant messaging system.

Bopup IM Client SDK provides functions for connecting and establishing IM session with the communication server, sending/receiving personal and group instant messages, receiving urgent and high-priority tasks from the server, managing user's contacts, receiving presence status updates within the Contact List. This SDK supports various authentication methods to authorize users on the IM server: Simple, Windows Authentication (SSPI) and using Private login and password credentials entered by a end-user.

IM Client SDK allows to create two types of the end-user applications: one-way messenger like Bopup Observer software and full-featured IM client like our Bopup Messenger. The SDK is freely distributed and it depends on a 45-day trial of Bopup Communication Server. Pricing for IM client applications that are written using our SDK is based on a regular pricing for Bopup Messenger and Bopup Observer software. For more information on pricing please refer our order page at

To learn more about Bopup IM Client SDK and to download the development kit setup package please go to product page at

Developer's Guide and help is also available in the Online Product Documentation and can be found at

February 24, 2012

New version of Bopup Communication Server adds great functions

New version 4.0.9 of Bopup Communication Server has been released. This software is available with a free 45-day trial period and can be downloaded with no any registration from

What's new

Added function to save selected messages and file transfers from Archiving & Logging view to a text file

It is easy now to export selected data from the Message History shown in the Management Console to a text file. Select one or multiple messages and transfers by pressing and holding the Ctrl key and then go to "File\Save As..." in the main menu.

Added option to turn off logging and archiving instant messages sent through the communication server

Sometimes company's security policies require to do not store private information, instant messages and conversation history on it's servers. This improves an overall security and avoids situations when someone can access the message archive. But prior versions of our Bopup Communication Server log all messages sent between users by default and there was no option to disable the history.

New version of the IM server provides the setting to turn off the logging history. Now the Message History can be disabled on the "Logging" tab of the Options dialog box using the "Enable archiving and logging history on the communication server" checkbox. Please note that if you clear that box it will delete all messages currently stored in the IM server archive, i.e. all delivered (sent) and deleted & declined messages. Currently pending messages (offline messages) will not be deleted until those messages will be delivered to their recipients or deleted due to expiration timeout.

Download Bopup Communication Server version 4.0.9

February 12, 2012

Delpet Network Systems Ltd is our new VAR in Ghana and West Africa area

We are proud to represent our new partner and reseller, Delpet Network Systems Ltd company which became our distributor in Ghana and West Africa territory.

Delpet Network Systems Ltd Is an I.T. Outsourcing company. we provide the following services
  • I.T. Outsourcing services.
  • Remote helpdesk
  • VoIP Configuration and support
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P.O.Box CT 2719

February 2, 2012

The server install is going back from MSI to EXE package

Today we released a new version of Bopup Communication Server that brings small improvements and changes. Version 4.0.8 is also distributed via EXE setup package files. We decided to move installation files from MSI extension to executable setups because it is easier to launch an EXE file with "Run as administrator" option on Windows Vista and later systems. Unfortunately Windows Explorer does not show that option in context menu if you right-click on a MSI file.

Since we received a lot of reports regarding installation issues of Bopup Communication Server on latest versions of Windows including 64-bit versions then we improved the setup and added additional verification of user's privileges (UAC). If the setup is running without required rights (full administrative privileges) then it shows appropriate error page.

It is strongly required to launch the setup package of the IM server with administrator privileges in order to properly install and register all modules and services in the system. It is easy to do that: right-click on the setup file and select "Run as administrator" option from context menu.

Download Bopup Communication Server version 4.0.8

January 30, 2012

Known issue: The communication service is not registered on 64-bit version of Windows

We were reported by our customers about installation issues of Bopup Communication Server software on 64-bit versions of Windows system. It seems the Setup Wizard cannot add and register the communication service module which is a part of the IM server software. That service accepts all incoming connections from instant messengers so if it is not running that causes a big trouble for all communications: IM is not possible!

We discovered that this may be an issue with current user's credentials in Windows system. In order to sure that the setup has appropriate rights to install and register the communication service you have to run the installation package with administrative rights. It is easy to do, just right-click on the setup file and select "Run as administrator" from the context menu.

But here is another issue: Windows Exporer does not show such menu option for MSI setup files, this is only available for EXE, BAT and other extensions of files. So you need to download this batch file and put it into the folder with the MSI setup package of Bopup Communication Server. Then right-click on the batch file and select "Run as administrator" menu and confirm selection.

You can also launch the setup without having to download the batch file above. Go to Start menu and type cmd and do not press Enter button. The cmd.exe should appear on the top of the menu. Right-click on it and select "Run as administrator". This will run the command prompt with administrative rights. Then navigate to folder with the MSI package. Type msiexec /i to run the installation.

Please note that this instruction is required only for 64-bit systems of Windows. If you have 32-bit version then you can run the Setup Wizard in a regular mode.

January 13, 2012

Bopup Communication Server: try for longer and pay less

We are proud to announce that new version 4.0.7 of Bopup Communication Server comes with great benefits.  We know that many companies and offices require a little more time to install, setup the server software and deploy client instant messengers. So we decided to extend standard trial period to give new customers more time to evaluate and test the IM software. And the new version of the communication server extends trial period from default 30 up to 45 days!

Another great news is the cost of the messaging server. We reduced the price of the application and now it costs only $190 US! Pay less and try for longer!

Download Bopup Communication Server version 4.0.7 with a 45-day FREE trial

January 11, 2012

BOPUP.DE: German version of our website has been re-designed

We have applied a new design for our german version of website. Now it looks like our primary website at and russian version at You can let us know what you're thinking on the new design and please report any issues you may found.

January 1, 2012

New version of the communication server improves and fixes security issues

In the latest days of the past 2011 year we released new version 4.0.4 of Bopup Communication Server. The new version adds an useful function which also closes an important security issue. That function is a password that can be set up on the communication server to allow or permit a remote administration of the IM server.

Prior versions of the communication server did no have any security functions and the Management Console could be installed on any computer in the Administrative Mode to manage and control an existing instance of Bopup Communication Server.

In order to enable the password proptection open the Options dialog box in the console and go to the "Interface" tab.

Click the "Allow remote management of this instance of the communication server" check box if you want to permit remote management of your IM server. Then enter a password that should entered in the remote console and in the Setup Wizard to protect your communication server.

Now the Setup Wizard asks for security password if the Management Console is installed in the Administrative mode to manage an existing installation of the communication server. That password must be entered on the page which asks for the name/address of the IM server.

The same password is asked when the remote Management Console starts. You can save the password by checking the "Remember this password on the next startup" option.

Please note that communication service on the server computer must be started during installation/startup of the console on remote computer.

Download Bopup Communication Server version 4.0.4