Both Bopup Messenger and Bopup Observer messaging clients improved "Log out..." function that is accessible from Messages menu. Now that item is available always when a messenger is connected and even Simple or Windows Authentication modes are used. Previously this menu option was available only if Private login/password authentication used.
Now it is possible to disconnect from the IM server without closing the messenger application. This will allow to change login name and enter to IM network with another credentials.
Another important change is that the messaging clients will bring and show "Login" pane in the main window every time when the same user has entered to the IM network from another computer/device and when only a single connection per each account is permitted. Now the pane will be shown not only if Private login/password used but also under Simple and Windows Authentication.
Download Bopup Messenger version 6.5.4 and Bopup Observer version 5.5.3
Now it is possible to disconnect from the IM server without closing the messenger application. This will allow to change login name and enter to IM network with another credentials.
Another important change is that the messaging clients will bring and show "Login" pane in the main window every time when the same user has entered to the IM network from another computer/device and when only a single connection per each account is permitted. Now the pane will be shown not only if Private login/password used but also under Simple and Windows Authentication.
Download Bopup Messenger version 6.5.4 and Bopup Observer version 5.5.3