November 21, 2016

50% OFF for Bopup instant messaging software

Black Friday and Cyber Monday are coming! We are glad to provide 50% discount to all new customers till November 28, 2016. This great discount is offered for all IM software applications including Bopup Communication Server, Bopup Messenger, Bopup Observer and bundle packs.

Use the following coupon code during placing an online order at


October 23, 2016

Пресс-релиз: Грандиозная скидка 60% на систему сообщений Bopup

Тверь, Россия, 24 октября 2016 — Компания «Би Лабс» (B Labs), разработчик корпоративных решений в области коммуникаций в реальном времени, сообщает о 60% снижении цен на программные продукты Bopup для обмена мгновенными сообщениями. Предложение действительно при приобретении серверной части Bopup Communication Server, пользовательских клиентов Bopup Messenger и Bopup Observer до 31 декабря 2016 года включительно.

Компания «Би Лабс» (B Labs), разработчик корпоративных сетевых приложений для мгновенной коммуникации, рада предложить всем новым клиентам скидку в размере 60%, которая действует при приобретении программного обеспечения Bopup Communication Server, Bopup Messenger, Bopup Observer, а также программных пакетов «Стандартный», «Офисный» и «Корпоративный» до конца 2016 года. Данное предложение адресовано тем организациям и предприятиям, которые сегодня столкнулись с необходимостью внедрения и использования собственной и полностью независимой системы для обмена мгновенными сообщениями с функцией чата между сотрудниками, а с учетом действующей политики импортозамещения, остановили свой выбор на ПО разработанном российской компанией.

Платформа Bopup служит для организации системы для безопасного обмена мгновенными сообщениями и документами между пользователями, которая может быть с успехом развернута в пределах небольшого офиса или же в инфраструктуре целой организации. Разработанная с учетом требований предъявляемых к продуктам для использования в бизнес-среде, ПО предоставляет надежную и безопасную передачу данных и исключает возможность их перехвата третьими лицами. Основанная на клиент-серверной архитектуре, система позволяет организовать внутренний обмен сообщениями в режиме реального времени в пределах как небольшой локальной сети, так и с объединением нескольких удаленных подразделений/офисов предприятия посредством Интернет-соединения.

Предоставляя мощные функциональные возможности, такие как усиленное шифрование всех передаваемых данных, групповой чат, совместимость с Active Directory, серверное программное обеспечение Bopup Communication Server позволяет полностью контролировать всю систему сообщений с развитыми функциями аудита, доступом к истории переписки всех сотрудников и удобным управлением настройками клиентского ПО. Тесная интеграция с доменами Microsoft позволяет в считанные минуты развернуть систему сообщений даже в крупной сети с несколькими сотнями сотрудников, позволяя импортировать учетные записи из каталога LDAP, в том числе и “на лету” при добавлении новых пользователей, включая “прозрачную” авторизацию в таких сетях. Клиентские мессенджеров Bopup Messenger и Bopup Observer могут быть развернуты через групповые политики GPO с их последующим обновлением непосредственно с сервера сообщений, что позволяет контролировать версии независимо от количества рабочих станций. В дополнение к клиентскому ПО под операционную систему Windows также доступно приложение для мобильных устройств под управлением Android, благодаря которому взаимодействие между сотрудниками становится возможным даже при отсутствии их на рабочем месте.

Получите больше информации о стоимости программных продуктов
Пробные 45-дневной версии приложений доступны для свободной загрузки по адресу

О компании «Би Лабс»

Начиная с 2000 года компания занимается разработкой программных систем в области мгновенной коммуникации. Целью компании является предоставление эффективных и инновационных программных решений для безопасного и надежного обмена текстовыми сообщениями, передачи файлов и документов между пользователями как в локальных сетях небольших офисов, организаций малого и среднего бизнеса, так и в крупных корпоративных сетях. Отличающей особенностью предлагаемых решений является централизованное администрирование и управление всей организованной системой мгновенных сообщений. Успех компании и более чем 15-летний опыт в данной области подтверждает список клиентов, который охватывает компании из 35 стран мира.

October 21, 2016

Download Bopup Messenger version 6.8.5

We updated our Bopup Messenger that is a full-featured LAN and Internet messaging client for Windows platform and released version 6.8.5 few days ago. The new version comes with interface improvements in conversation dialog that affected to splitter form and GUI elements.

This update also reverted back showing all users under assigned Messaging Groups regardless the "Show online users only" setting applied for Contact List. So offline users are also shown in groups even the Contact List displays only connected accounts.

Download Bopup Messenger version 6.8.5 — IM client that encrypts text messages and files

October 4, 2016

Improvement updates of the messenger and observer applications

We released new versions of Bopup Messenger and Bopup Observer client. Recent updates come with a little improvement of a hidden option called UseSilentMode. The IM client does not show Connection Setup Wizard on startup of the setting is set to UseSilentMode=1. In this case only connection/disconnection balloon messages are shown in System Tray area.

By default UseSilentMode hidden option is equal 0 that means that the instant messenger displays all warnings/errors and automatically brings wizards to a user. This option can be set using setup.ini configuration file during initial setup or upgrade of the software, and also from the server console using IM Client Updates & Branding interface.

Download Bopup Messenger 6.8.4 and Bopup Observer 5.7.2 — Instant messengers with strong encryption for use on LAN or Internet

September 29, 2016

Bopup Communication Server added support for future clients running under Mac OS and iOS

New version 4.5.3 of the communication server is released and available for download in Downloads Center. This small update of the IM server comes with small improvements and also adds support for instant messengers for Apple's platforms.

Do you know that we are working on IM clients for Mac OS X and iOS (iPhone and iPad devices) that are planning to be released in the next two months? Both applications are now in development stage and are going to beta-testing soon.

Download Bopup Communication Server version 4.5.3 — EIM solution for office and large networks

September 16, 2016

Tips & Tricks: How to fix issue if Bopup Communication Server is not started

From time to time we are reported by our customers and users that the IM service of Bopup Communication Server stopped to working. It is shown as Stopped in Management Console and cannot be started no more. At the same time the console launches normally and shows no errors on startup. Commonly a reason of this issue is simple and can be fixed quickly. See the possible resolutions below.

Trial peroid or software license has been expired

The most common reason is that 45-day trial of evaluation period of the communication server expired. If the IM server is registered version check information about the license from Help->About dialog box. It shows details on the license including the number of supported IM clients and also an expiration date. In case of expired trial the 45-day trial expired caption will be shown. Same information is shown on the right top corner of Welcome page in Management Console.

Check that the IM service is still registered in Windows services

Another problem that could suddenly occur is missing of core service of Bopup Communication Server from Services list in Windows system. Open services panel in Windows from Control Panel->Administrative tools->Services. It is also possible to open that panel directly from the console by clicking "Open Services lists" link on Welcome screen. Check that Bopup Communication Server service is shown in the list and having Automatic startup type.

If there is no such service in the list that means that it cannot be started and the server will not be operated correctly including accept connections from instant messengers. It must be registed in Windows system by the following way:

1. Open Windows Explorer and navigate to installation folder of the IM server. By default the communication server is installed to "\Program Files\Bopup Communication Server". On 64-bit versions of Windows default directory is "\Program Files (x86)\Bopup Communication Server".
2. Click Start button on Task bar in Windows and then type "run" in search box. Thex select Run to show a launch dialog box.
3. Select "bcssrvc.exe" file in previously opened Windows Explorer window and drag-n-drop it to Run dialog. A full path to the file will be shown in command line.
4. Type /unregserver parameter in the end of the path to the service module so a full command line has been changed to

"[PATH]\bcssrvc.exe" /unregserver

This will unregister the service from the system.

5. Type /service parameter in the end of the path to the service module so a full command line has been changed to

"[PATH]\bcssrvc.exe" /service

5. Click OK to launch the command. Then refresh Services list and try to start the service.

Find out what happens with the service when it brings errors

If the communication service is not started due to some troubles with SQL database server, for example, then it is possible to discover that. Open Event Log viewer in Windows from Control Panel->Administrative tools->Event viewer or click "Open Event viewer" link in Management Console to open same window. Then click Windows logs on the left to expand it and select Applications. Scroll-down to find last messages from top sent by Bopup Communication Server service.

Normally only Start and Stop events must be present, it is events #100 and #101 respectively. If there are any other warnings or errors then copy event description and send that report to Support Team or via Live Chat function on website or directly from the console.

August 24, 2016

Known issue: An attempt to create a backup file gives SQL error #5

Many our users faced with an error on creation of a backup file from SQL database maintenance... dialog in Management Console. Once destination folder has been selected the console brings "Cannot open backup device. Operating System error 5" and no backup file is created.

This is a known issue of the IM server application but it does not relate to any error. Since backup files are created by Microsoft SQL Server directly then an account under which database service is running may not have appropriate write permission to chosen folder. Usually this error can occur when a target directory that has been chosen to save a backup file is located in current user's profile folder such as "My Documents", "Desktop", etc. In case of the error try to choose another location to create and save backup file.

We also updated and appended with this information our FAQ section available on the website that contains details on how to Create and restore backups of Bopup Communication Server.

August 11, 2016

Bopup Messenger for Android improved support of Google Chromebook devices

New version 1.0.14 of the messenger for Android platform is available for download. It only added support for all-new Google Chromebooks according to Google's guide that says that touchscreen is not now necessary for the application and the following entry was added to manifest file of Bopup Messenger:

 <uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.touchscreen" android:required="false">
Still did not download and never used our IM client for Android platform? Get more details on it's promo website that we launched few weeks ago at

Download Bopup Messenger for Android version 1.0.14 — Secure business messenger for mobile platform

July 15, 2016

Enable advanced settings for file transfers on the IM server

New version 4.5.2 of the communication server improved File Transfer functionality and added advanced options to the console. Now it is possible to specify opening received folder, executing/opening received document or receive files in automated mode for every transfer occured between users. Previously only Administrators and Power Users could set these flags for ougoing file transmission and directly from messaging clients.

For more information about advanced flags please refer to online documentation of Bopup Communication Server available at

Download Bopup Communication Server 4.5.2 — EIM solution to improve text messaging and communication capabilites on small, medium and large networks

June 16, 2016

Small update of the IM server is available

Version 4.5.1 of Bopup Communication Server has been released and is available for download. This small update of the IM server software improves Management Console that now displays appropriate icons in Presence Status view when users are in Away mode. Different icons are shown for Administrators, Power Users and regular user accounts.

Another improvement is a fix in Create New Organizational Unit Wizard that showed empty OU list on Permissions page if a parent Organization Unit of a newly created unit has been changed on first dialog.

Download Bopup Communication Server version 4.5.1 — Light-weight and easy to install IM server with strong encryption and management

June 10, 2016

Bopup Messenger version 6.8.2 is available

We built new version of the messenger client that includes few very useful updates. Version 6.8.2 instantly updates contacts' presence status in all opened conversation windows.

Another change belongs to recipient's presence status shown on a color background within user's name. Now the IM client displays appropriate status icon if a user is in away or offline mode. In these case the recipient name also added Away or Offline substring on the end. That is useful and lets see recipient's current presence status if Contact List is not hidden in conversations.

Download Bopup Messenger version 6.8.2 — Corporate messaging client for business environment

June 4, 2016

Recent updates of Bopup Messenger and Bopup Observer

Today we updated our messenger and observer clients and released their new versions. Bopup Messenger has been updated to version 6.8.1 and it comes with the following important fixes and improvements.

What's new:

Settings for receipt of personal and broadcast messages added separate options to show conversation dialogs on a top but in inactive state

The messenger moved "Show window as inactive" check box on "Receiving messages" tab of the Options dialog box to Receiving personal messages section and added same option to Receiving group & News messages.

Receiving messages tab added separate options to show conversation in inactive state

This is because most of our customers do not use "Today's Messages" tab in the main window so option to show it as inactive was unnecessary. Since new and received messages are shown in a conversation dialog so now it is possible to bring it on top on message receipt but keep focus on currently active application.

Fixed switching to Away mode when other users did not see user's updated presence status

We discovered that sometimes users were not update to see others in away even remote messenger reported that it is in the away mode. That was a client bug that we fixed.

Fixed issues with pop up of conversations on receipt of new messages

Another fix is related to showing conversation windows on a top of Desktop. Sometimes this could work, sometime could not.

Download Bopup Messenger version 6.8.1 and Bopup Observer version 5.7.1 — IM clients for LAN and Internet with strong encryption

May 24, 2016

Get new versions of the IM server and messaging clients

Today we released new versions of Bopup Communication Server, Bopup Messenger and Bopup Observer. In addition to many changes and improvements we made in the software it comes with all-new Confirmation feature that delivers a confirmed status back to a sender. Confirmed status is also logged in a local Message History and on the communication server and those confirmed messages are shown with double-check icon.

Currently Confirmation functionality is fully supported by Bopup Observer client only and can be enabled from the Options on the IM server. But we plan to extend this function in order to allow to send outgoing messages with confirmation status like urgent and high-priority messages.

Download Bopup Communication Server 4.5, Bopup Messenger 6.8 and Bopup Observer 5.7 — Enterprise IM suite for secure and safe communications

January 23, 2016

Goodbye, HostGator!

We would like to apologize to customers and visitors for the difficulties with accessing our websites in the past few days. We need to inform that we had issues with our hosting provider, it is well-known HostGator company, whose services we used for more than 8 years! But everything is changed and that's true about about our opinion on HostGator too.

Around one week ago we noticed that most of our sites stopped working. Everything was looking strange because some customers from the US were able to visit and download installation packages with no any issues at the same time when we were having problems. Some third-party resources on the Web also told us that there were big troubles with accessing to the websites because most of them could be even pinged!

HostGator support team could not see the problem and did not help us, they only asked to change Name Server (NS) even some of our other websites already had those servers configured correctly. Anyway we decided to change our web-hosting provider to avoid any possible issues to our customers and new clients because that's all about the business. You will not believe but HostGator support is still working on the problem and keeping the case still opened! For 7 days!

Now we successfully migrated to a new provider by moving all websites and databases including our regional sites such as,, Only Italian version does not still operate due to update of old Name Servers on registrar. Our new configuration works better and faster now.

January 22, 2016

We released Android app version 1.0.12

New update of Bopup Messenger for Android platform is available, it is version 1.0.12. This release added a useful improvement that now shows a small notification icon within contact that indicates a receipt of new (unread) messages. Previous versions of the messenger application had no that indicator so new incoming messages could be only discovered on "Messages" tab that contains all received messages for current session. We strongly recommend to update the application to work with it with more ease and convenience.

Download Bopup Messenger for Android version 1.0.12 — IM client for mobile devices and tablets with strong encryption or Get the app on Google Play market

January 17, 2016

Mokry Systems, s.r.o. — Our reseller in Czech Republic

We glad to represent our new software reseller in Czech Republic, it is Mokry Systems, s.r.o. company. This is a good news from our customers from Eastern Europe and exactly from Czech country.

Mokry Systems, s.r.o.
Majdalenky 19
63800 Brno
Czech Republic

Phone: +420 548 220 003
Fax: +420 548 220 005

January 12, 2016

IM client for Android exceeds 1,000 installations on Google Play market

We are proud to inform that number of downloads of our messaging client called Bopup Messenger for Android platform exceeded one thousand installations on Google Play market. This IM client software became our first app for mobile platforms that supports most of important and useful functions including user presence status, organizing Contact List, sending/receiving instant messages, and delivery of message typing notifications. The next app we have on a roadmap is for iOS platform that includes iPhone and iPad devices. Stay connected!

Download Bopup Messenger for Android platform — Secure mobile messenger for business