From time to time we are reported by our customers and users that the IM service of Bopup Communication Server stopped to working. It is shown as
Stopped in Management Console and cannot be started no more. At the same time the console launches normally and shows no errors on startup. Commonly a reason of this issue is simple and can be fixed quickly. See the possible resolutions below.
Trial peroid or software license has been expired
The most common reason is that 45-day trial of evaluation period of the communication server expired. If the IM server is registered version check information about the license from Help->About dialog box. It shows details on the license including the number of supported IM clients and also an expiration date. In case of expired trial the
45-day trial expired caption will be shown. Same information is shown on the right top corner of Welcome page in Management Console.
Check that the IM service is still registered in Windows services
Another problem that could suddenly occur is missing of core service of Bopup Communication Server from
Services list in Windows system. Open services panel in Windows from
Control Panel->Administrative tools->Services. It is also possible to open that panel directly from the console by clicking "Open Services lists" link on Welcome screen. Check that Bopup Communication Server service is shown in the list and having Automatic startup type.
If there is no such service in the list that means that it cannot be started and the server will not be operated correctly including accept connections from instant messengers. It must be registed in Windows system by the following way:
1. Open Windows Explorer and navigate to installation folder of the IM server. By default the communication server is installed to
"\Program Files\Bopup Communication Server". On 64-bit versions of Windows default directory is
"\Program Files (x86)\Bopup Communication Server".
2. Click Start button on Task bar in Windows and then type "run" in search box. Thex select Run to show a launch dialog box.
3. Select "bcssrvc.exe" file in previously opened Windows Explorer window and drag-n-drop it to Run dialog. A full path to the file will be shown in command line.
4. Type
/unregserver parameter in the end of the path to the service module so a full command line has been changed to
"[PATH]\bcssrvc.exe" /unregserver
This will unregister the service from the system.
5. Type
/service parameter in the end of the path to the service module so a full command line has been changed to
"[PATH]\bcssrvc.exe" /service
5. Click OK to launch the command. Then refresh Services list and try to start the service.
Find out what happens with the service when it brings errors
If the communication service is not started due to some troubles with SQL database server, for example, then it is possible to discover that. Open Event Log viewer in Windows from
Control Panel->Administrative tools->Event viewer or click "Open Event viewer" link in Management Console to open same window. Then click
Windows logs on the left to expand it and select
Applications. Scroll-down to find last messages from top sent by Bopup Communication Server service.
Normally only Start and Stop events must be present, it is events #100 and #101 respectively. If there are any other warnings or errors then copy event description and send that report to
Support Team or via Live Chat function on website or directly from the console.